Tuesday, May 12, 2015


Nuts right?
It's hard to believe he has grown so fast! 
We love him so very much! (Even when he is screaming) 
And let me tell you he has been a screamer.
(This video is Matt's favorite little moment of him!)
We thought having a little baby would be easy but Noooooooo....
He has been a pretty colicky baby, and we don't really know why. 
Which has made life very hard and taxing. 
We exhausted every resource, in hopes to figure out this cause. 
But with the lowest of lows come the highest of highs. 
About 4 weeks ago we found out Keegan had a lip tie. 
I took him in and the dentist confirmed it. 
It was a class 4 lip tie. (Which is the worst)
HOW? Long Story short: Lip tie=bad latch. So the Mother's body produces extra milk and has a strong let down in order to meet baby's needs. So baby gets lots of milk in a very short time=acid reflex. 
Yes. That may have been the root of the problems. 
We got it reversed, and it has seemed to help. 
That and acid reflex medicine, my oversupply re-regulating, and him growing out of it too.
Keegan has brought so much Joy into our lives!
I love watching Matt with him. He is such a wonderful Father!
I love Matt more and more everyday!
Keegan is such a silly boy!
He knows what the camera is and gets this look ^^^ every time he sees it!
You can tell his spirit is a lot older than his body. He just loves to listen, and look around and absorb everything. He already will look me in the eye, and easily gets distracted while nursing. He likes to stare at Matt and I from across the room. Even if we aren't talking. 
He can also now grab toys! 
He's starting to wear 3-6 month clothes!
One of my favorite things about him is the back of his head. 
By the way, he hasn't lost his hair. (yet)
Who do you think Keegan looks like???????????

My favorite memory of Keegan so far is this one morning I woke up. He was laying next to my on my shoulder/arm, and I opened my eyes to see him staring right back at me. 

Hmmm... so I don't know what else to post.
Let me know if there are any questions you would like answered!

Bronze is for Bronze Boobies! 
Nursing 3 months!

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Blessing Day!

Just a short little splurb since Keegan will be 1 month in less than a week!
 Not going to lie. 
I love being a mother!
I get such a  huge satisfaction out of it!
^(Nap time after a cold day's journey)
Especially when I get to come home and snuggle!

March 1st, 2015
Keegan Thorlongus Crawford was blessed by his father.
Matt was very nervous. He did a wonderful job and gave a beautiful blessing!
The certificate was spelled wrong both first and middle names.
Hopefully that will be cleared up soon.
Grandma Ward stayed up all night to finish the blessing outfit.
Grandma Crawford set up our lunch for right after sacrament. 
It was wonderful!
Will and Kirsten let us use their house and invited my family to stay longer so we can enjoy more time together. Which was a lot of fun!
We were only missing a few immediate family members. Uncle Andrew (and his family), Uncle Jeremy and Grandpa Riffel (and his side of the family). 
I can't wait for Keegan to meet the rest of his family!


Not gonna lie. 
Giving birth is the hardest thing I have EVER done.
So this is all about the birth of Keegan Thorlongus Crawford. 
He was born 02/10/15 5:15 PM
 8 lbs 8 oz and 20.5 inches long! 

In all reality, contractions started Saturday when I went in to work. I was just handing out samples that day. On my way to work I started feeling nauseous probably because I needed to eat. 
When I got to work they were SUPER busy so I ran around helping here and there, before I started the samples. Truck came so I went back to the kitchen to talk to Jake about it. 
In the middle of a sentence... That's when it came. My first contraction. 
I wasn't sure. It didn't feel like the braxon hicks I had before. 
But I had to stop,
and breathe. 
Totally took me off guard! and Jake too! He asked if I was okay, which I was, and said oh just some pregnancy stuff when he asked what happened. 
Went about the day like normal. 
Picked up my Mom from the temple. (I think)
Then we went grocery shopping. 
We went to Costco.
Macey's (because Walmart didn't have my deodorant or the cheap nail clippers)
then ran into Little Caesar's for dinner. 
I was having little period cramp like contractions the whole time. 
Mom knew. Matt knew. 
I went to the bathroom, and saw what I was my mucus plug.
I didn't want to say anything to anyone. Didn't want to jinx myself. 
Is he really coming?
But I started getting things ready. I finalized my birth plan. Email it to Matt's Mom. (Just in case)
We had plans to go to the Fire and Ice thing at the Riverwoods. 
Mom's friend and her family were there. 
We finally made it over there, quite a bit later than planned for obvious reasons. Walked around looked at everything, as my contractions got stronger. Towards the end of the night my Mom went to find herself a new bra that fit. So I went with her. When I sat down the contractions started slowing down and going away. 
They went away until the next morning. 
We didn't go to stake conference because I had no idea where it was and because we didn't know what my body was going to do. I just hung around the house all day. 
Took a bath. 
Lost some membranes, then showered off. I went visiting teaching. Contractions picked back up. Made Taco Soup for Dinner. We did nothing super active or anything. We went to bed around 11 PM.
I had a meeting that next morning in South Jordan, and Matt and I agreed that if the contractions kept up or got worse I would not go.
Sure enough at 2 AM contractions woke up me and kicked me out of bed. I bounced on my exercise ball for bit. Went back to sleep for 2 hours and woke up to contractions again. This kept up until 7 AM.
Matt was supposed to into work that Monday. He woke up and just didn't feel right about it. 
So I told him, okay we really need to actively be getting this baby out today. He went back to bed after that. And I don't remember much from that morning. Mom cleaned up the baby's room. (she is stayed in) I bounced on my ball and kept her company. I washed all the baby blankets and newborn clothes I recently received. Matt woke up and we walked down to the Provo Bakery. 
Which is when my contractions really started kicking in. 
I also don't remember much from that day in general I guess.
I was timing contractions just carrying about normal things. They got SUPER close together from 6-8 PM. I was SO excited! 
During that time they were 3.5 minutes apart, lasting about 1 minute or more each! 
(We were doing the 321 method- Contraction 3 mins apart, for 2 hours lasting 1 min each)
But from 8-9 they slowed down, and got more intense. I was so bummed! They were so dang close together!
I made Matt call Labor and Delivery and ask. 
We decided not to go in, but my Mom coaxed us to go walk around Walmart and see if we could get them going again. So we packed up everything and headed out. 
We walked around Walmart for maybe an hour. The contractions picked up again.But not as close as they needed to be. They were 5 minutes apart. I was SO frustrated. 
I knew exactly what was going to happen.
So we just went home. 
We went to bed. That next hour my contractions got REALLY strong. Just laying in bed. I was having a hard time breathing through them. The were only 4 minutes apart. But because of the intensity of the contractions we decided to go in. So we packed up AGAIN. Called Matt's Mom. And headed to the hospital. 
When the nurse checked me I was 80% effaced and dilated to a 3. 
Only a 3.
I was pretty frustrated. 
That next hour they had me stay in bed and monitored the baby's heart and my blood pressure and contractions. In that hour I progress to a 4. They officially admitted me. Asked for my birth plan, Called my doctor and got everything ready and set up. My blood pressure was pretty high still.
My doctor was a little worried about my blood pressure so I was given a hep lock. 
Which took 4 times to get in!
Yes. That means they busted 3 veins trying for that hep lock. 
Not going to lie. 
It was probably from my pressure being so high.
Those definitely hurt WAY more than the contractions at the time. 
I was moved to the bigger room with the tub right after that. So happy and excited to try the tub to work through those contractions. That was the first thing I tried. I got my swimsuit on and hopped in. Sadly the water and jets hardly helped the contractions. I tried everything from laying on my side, to my exercise ball, my knees/all fours, walking/swaying/dancing, pressure points...
The only thing that seemed to help was walking/swaying/dancing.
And I would only let my nurse and Matt help me.
So from about midnight 02/10/15 until 9 AM I was working through those contractions.
It was killing me.
I hadn't slept that night and hardly the night before. My body was extremely exhausted. 9 AM came around and I felt miserable. My hips felt like they were going to shatter. I got something to take the edge of the contractions. Which basically just made me feel the peak of the contractions and confined me to my bed for an hour. SO DID NOT HELP!
I got up after than hour and I remember just making the decision.Time for an epidural. I just could not handle it anymore. I couldn't relax and I was exhausted. Cervical checks were the worst. The last contraction I felt was definitely the one that made me grateful for the epidural.
I held on to Matt for dear life.
My hips hurt so bad! I had the thought to just fall on the floor during it.
It was terrible.
I was very afraid to get the epidural,
And really did NOT want to get a catheter.
Well, I hardly felt the needle and didn't feel the catheter at all.
My nurse went ahead and checked me.I was at an 8!!!! WHAT!??!! No wonder I was in so much pain! I was in transition. She also told me I had A LOT of fluid right in front of the baby's head. Which is also why I was hurting so bad.
Well for the next few hours we all took a nap.
I woke up around 12 PM  and felt so much better. My nurse came in then and check me again. My water broke.I was at a 10! She called my doctor and we were given the go ahead to start pushing.
Well, pushing went on forever.
The monitor watching my contractions would stay on either. So that was no help.
I was in different positions and was even able to use the squatting bar for awhile.
This little boy would not come!
Luckily he wasn't under any stress, and his heartbeat was perfectly fine.
He did however have his first bowel movement while in the womb.
Fun fact: I kept on receiving calls from people I was working with so in between pushes I was sending texts back. haha
My nurse called my doctor and explained what was going on. I had three choices.
1. Keep on pushing (I was already not looking pretty down there)
2. Forceps
3. C-Section.
My mom really didn't like that last choice and started freaking out a bit,
We called Brother Hadlock (from our previous ward) to help Matt give me a blessing.
Which was a wonderful relief and was such a comfort.
Shortly after my Doctor came in and brought another Doctor for a second option.
Forceps is what we had to do.
My epidural was wearing off so the anesthesiologist came back in and gave me a stronger dose. (I think)
I was a bit worried, especially when they were trying to place them on his cheeks. They slipped a couple of times adjusting them.Dr. Andrews (my doctor) said we would know if the forceps would work with just a couple of pushes.
Then the room filled up with like 10 million people. Seriously no joke. It was SOOOOO FULL!
Well, I started pushing again and my mom's face lit up.
Apparently it was working!
5 pushes and he was out!
The immediately put him on my stomach.
Screaming, bloody and all,
One of the first things I said was something along the line of; "That was in me?"
Totally felt surreal, and it still does.
I don't remember too much at this point.
I know I looked at Matt and told him yes to Thorlongus (middle name). I looked at Keegan and felt it fit him.
I saw Matt cut the cord then they took him over to the heater, rubbed in the vernix, weighed and measured him. Then wrapped him up and stuck a hat on him.
Brought him back to me.
All I really remember is shaking like crazy, feeling like I was going to throw up, and being really tired.
I think Matt took him. I know they gave me something for the nausea. I know they were stitching me up.
And then I was out...
I woke up somewhere around 7:30-7:45ishh.
(Keegan was born at 5:15 PM)
According to my Mom I looked really bad. No color in my face, even my lips.
Matt was really worried about me.
My Dr. even ordered a lab to see how much blood I lost,
I don't know how they calculate it or even the label, but normal losing amount is 500 and I lost 650.
Because of all the blood lost my blood pressure took a HUGE dip too!
Between those two things, not sleeping, and shock is what I contribute my passing out to.
When I woke up they were finishing stitching my up.
I had a 3rd degree tear. My cervix even tore!
I was still shaking pretty bad!
I was handed Keegan because he hadn't nursed or ate anything yet.
I know holding him and having him nursed calmed those shakes down to nothing!
That was when they did a PKU screening, and gave Keegan a shot.
He was screaming. Matt was SOOO CUTE! He was standing near him and said: "I don't know what to do?" I told him to comfort him, talk to him rub his stomach or something. Matt did that and Keegan started to calm down. Seriously, CUTEST THING EVER!
Then they moved us into another room...and brought me more snacks,
Matt stayed the night that night. Even though he went into work the next day.
I woke up in the middle of the night extremely uncomfortable and in pain. The remainder of the epidural wore off. And of course that's when Keegan woke up. That was the only time he got formula, I just couldn't handle trying to nurse at that moment.
The next day was good.
Lots of people came to visit.
We REALLY got started on nursing.
We went home on Thursday. Which is a miracle my body bounced back so quickly.
and the rest is history!

Haha not!
I never thought my baby would have hair!
Nursing is harder than I thought it ever would be,
Someone described it as raw hamburger meat.
It's also amazing how elasticity your nipples become.
He seems to be getting enough.
He's already back up to his birth weight and has grown an inch.
I actually has to move the straps on the car seat up a notch already.
I am doing great now. 
The first two weeks were miserable for me. 
Healing was (is) hard.
Good thing I have such a CUTE baby! 

Monday, January 12, 2015


I forgot to include at least one important fact in my last post. 
I visited the periodontist last week. 
He looked at my gums, and the roots of my front teeth. 
Turns out....
When he went in and did the gum graft he told me the roots of my front teeth were super weak and that I might have to get a bone graft too. 
He was so impressed with how much they have turned around. 
My front teeth no longer wiggle, and I no longer have to worry about them falling out! 
I guess all I needed was a little more gum support. 

Sunday, January 11, 2015

1 month down, 1 month to go.

So for some reason I can't think of what to write tonight.
This is post 100! 
 We got maternity pictures taken when I was 31 weeks!
It was a mini session so it was quick and cheap! 
These are my favorites! 
In the past few weeks not much has happened. 
Well I guess Matt and I both passed all of our classes. So that's super good,
There were a couple we both really struggled with.
Neither of us are taking classes this semester. It's nice to have a break. (Especially for Matt)
Christmas was great! We enjoyed that day together. 
And we had a early dinner with his Mom that day 
We were given a cute little seat for baby. Like a bumbo, but it comes with a tray that has toys too.
With some Christmas money I received I bought a crib! There was one that I LOVE (it's bright yellow) and it wasn't super expensive. I think all my Christmas money went to something that had to do with baby. I also bought a Moby wrap and a diaper bag. 
OH, OH OH! Someone picked us for a secret santa this year! They came and knocked ran away and left goodies at our door! I have no idea who did it, but it was wonderful! It's weird though, either someone who knows us incredibly well or they are just good guessers. We got tons of goodies tailored to Matt's likes and mine as well. Not to even mention the cute baby outfits that is something we would've picked out ourselves. So Sweet. Thank you whoever did this! 
For New Year's Eve we had a family "Christmas" party. haha. We had a white elephant gift exchange and played games and everything else. I was super tired that night. 
That Saturday Daniel (one of our Nephews) was baptized, and since I got a nice camera I forgot how to use I took some baptism pictures for him.
Man. I need practice. It's been too long since I touched an actual camera. 
I'm starting to get anxious for baby boy to be here. 
Pretty sure I've cleaned and rearranged the bedroom like 10 times. (It's where most of our storage is and where Mom will be staying so it needs to basically be finished when she comes)
I also broke the $1 frame of the Christ and children picture. 
I need to buy a new frame now.
OH! I finished the changing table! 
I painted it Navy blue, and it looks pretty slick!
I don't have a picture saved of it, so maybe when the room is done. 
I've washed all the clothes we have for baby. (Hand-me-downs and a few new pieces) 
I need to buy one of those plastic 3-drawer things. (I totally just forgot the name)
Last week, I dropped my phone in the snow. Luckily one of our neighbors saw it, picked it up, stuck it in rice, and was able to get a hold of us about a day later. I was seriously freaking out. There's work stuff on there, and other important things. Like my awesome list of things to take to the hospital. 
I am so glad he saved my phone!
Thanks to one of my best friends, Danielle, I got my breast pump. FOR FREE!
She has the same insurance as I do (both through our Dads) and told me where she got hers at. I had been procrastinating on figuring it all out. So I went to the same site and had it at my doorstep within a week. 
We ordered our carseat/stroller set online on Friday. It should be here by next Friday. So that's a HUGE load off our chest.
I just need a few minuscule things before he comes. 
BUT especially a going home outfit! 
We went to the Dr. this last week, and yes. My blood pressure is slowly rising. 
Which explains all the swelling
I've cut out all extra salt, starting chugging water, and taking magnesium in the past month to try to help it.
I need to start walking more, you know to help my body control my blood pressure and to help with labor. 
Inversion needs to go away so I don't die of pollution poisoning when I walk outside.
I created the Birth Plan this past week, and hopefully it's not over the top. 
Hopefully I get something out of my plan. 
Hopefully my blood pressure levels out and I really get to use my plan.
Maybe I should make a secondary plan...just in case my blood pressure spikes. 
So I guess I figured out something to write about. 

How Far Along:  35 weeks
Weight Gain/Loss: About 30lbs. 
Sleep: What sleep? 
Best Moment This Week: Not this week, but we completed our birthing class, so we don't have to drive  up to SLC every week now! YAY! This week though we bought our car seat/stroller set and I got my breast pump! WOOO!
Movement:  Yes, all the time, he likes to play this game of stick his foot out as far he can then I will give it a little push so it's not so uncomfortable then he will do it again! 
Food Cravings/Aversions: Chicken and Garlic is gross. I gagged over garlic tonight. 
Pregnancy Symptoms: Big belly, my belly button sticks out, braxon hicks, HOT I AM SO HOT, ALL THE TIME! Swelling. Moody. Anxious. Headaches.
What I Miss: Clothes that fit properly. I wore this dress today and it went past my knees when I bought it last May....not anymore! 
Stretch Marks:  Like 6 on my sides and like 3 on my lower belly I can no longer see without a mirror. 
Girl or Boy?: BOY. 
Belly Button:  It's out. But my belly button is a permanent innie. 
Wedding Rings:  Off. I took off his Grandmother's ring today because it was tight, and we don't want it to get stuck. Background: My ring is a size 4.5-5 somewhere around there. His Grandmother's ring is a 7-8. I'm pretty swollen, and probably retaining water now.
Mood: Depends on the day. haha. 
Labor Signs:  Braxon Hicks. Super tight tummy. Like a hard rock.
Milestones: Roughly 5 week to go?
Upcoming Appointments/Events: next appointment is next week. Not sure the day off hand, but I might go in this week if I still feel weird, and swelling doesn't stop. (High Blood Pressure)
What I look forward to: Mom is coming soon! (on the 30th)  And so is baby boy!
Weekly Wisdom: I wish I  had been more active at the start of my pregnancy and was able to exercise more to control swelling and blood pressure.