Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Summer Pop Medley...AMAZING.

I am obsessed. There are soo many more songs. go find him on youtube. or itunes.

Adventures to Nauvoo!

So Yesterday was a good day.
It didn't start out like that though. I woke up at 6am with my knees hurting like crazy, and it took me awhile to fall back to sleep. I think around 8:30 I finally gave up on sleeping. Didn't do much in the morning. Sometime around Noon I went and played tennis with Bryan and Sarah. I sent texts to Courtney and Augusta about the "Laurel's Night" since Sister Greenfield was leaving. Courtney and I were included because we were her FIRST Laurels. Sister Coggins came a visit taught me at 2pm. Said Goodbye to my friend Marty :( I'm pretty sick of saying bye to everyone. And turns out nothing really ever got planned for the Laurel's night, So I made additional plans, since I had the night off...
I talked to Danielle, and Kelli and asked if they wanted to go to Vocal Point, and they were both up for it!! YAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So I drove to Nauvoo!!!
We left around 5:30pm, Vocal Point started at 8:30pm and we wanted to be there a bit early.
Oh and Last Minute asked Augusta if she wanted to go, and she did! So we picked her up on the way of course! Well the trip there was VERY entertaining. We had TONS of Chocolate, and fun. At one point Danielle did like was she was eating so she stuck her head out the window and spit it out. She came back up and kinda screamed a wee little bit and started laughing. Her sunglasses fell off. hahahahaha I looked in my rear-view mirror and saw them in the road. There was a gravel road we turned around on nearby and we went back and got the sunglasses. It was VERY funny. Then we got to Kahoka, and heard this loud popping sound, and the car went down....
For some reason, I freakin' BLEW a rear tire, and none of us saw anything in the road! So we were stuck outside Kahoka forever. (so it seemed, it was only 45mins though) we got the jack on, and hubcap off. Then we could figure out how the heck to get the lug-nuts off. That's where we got stuck. Long story short.We tried just about every tool in the vehicle. I tried to call home. No answer, and no call-back. Danielle and Kelli walked the 1/2 mile into town to find help. No luck though. So I said a silent prayer asking for someone to be nice enough to stop and help us.

Shortly, after I saw these people riding their bikes coming towards us. As they got close I asked if they would help us. AND THEY DID!!!! It was great!!! He picked up the tool to take off the lug-nuts and I felt sooooo stupid. I knew it. Just couldn't think of it in time of stress.
(I like how my hair is wavying in the picture)
We finally got the tire on and got going, as we were going I said another silent prayer thanking the Lord for the help we received. We were so blessed we got stuck were we did vs. out in the boonies where no one would've found us. We then made our last part of our journey, we picked up Augusta's friend Dalton in St. Francisville, and he showed us a back-road to get to Keokuk, since Alexandra was flooded. WE MADE IT TO NAUVOO! and ONLY 20mins late. Crazy.

Good thing we left early. Got there saw Joe, and he sat with us.Vocal Point was awesome as always. And this will probably be my last time seeing them in Nauvoo, for a long time. I gave up on trying to get their signatures this year, since there were 2 youth conference there. Then we went back grab my blanket and talked to some people we knew. Oh and I got to punch Josh Adams for the whole "I bet she'll only last 3months for Rick" It'll be 3 months on sunday since the last time I saw him. so HA! Then we said bye to Joe, and he went somewhere?
Next we got a hold of Katriel and met up with her at Adventure Zone, actually right outside it. She was there for Sarah's birthday party. Which....we semi-crashed. Sarah was actually fine with it. Which is good. it was nice to see some people again after awhile. It seemed like forever, mainly because Girl's camp was the week before and I, welllll... I'm too old for Girl's camp. Actually it's more of one of those awkward things where you just left Young Women's like a year ago, and to be a leader of those girl's (as we found out in the past) just doesn't work out the best. So like I said it was nice to see some faces. We all just hung out, talked, sang to the birthday girl, and Julie taught me this line dance which I semi-remember..... oh well. We left Nauvoo around 11:30ish and then got a wittle more gas in Keokuk, and snacks for the way home. Just like good ol' times. Only in a different gas station. Made sure to say yet another silent prayer for safety on the way. Then we were off. We played never-have-I-ever, and I lost. ha. Dropped off Dalton. Then after awhile Augusta. got back into Kirksville like a little before 2:30am(maybe?) and took Danielle and Kelli home. Jeremy and I walked in the door a bit after 2:30am. I didn't go to bed until 3am.
But It was SUCH a fun night!!!
:) :)

Monday, June 14, 2010

Going on a Rant

I feel like crap. Physically.
I haven't been taking my potassium like I know I should, so I guess I bring it to myself.
Oh wait. Not everyone knows what's "wrong" with me....
I have migraines, and before I get the migraines I pretty much go blind. Therefore I have to take this medication everyday, twice a day actually. (when I remember) Well this medication makes my appeittie decrease, like majorly, and pretty much makes my stomach smaller. Now because of that I can't eat very much. Last summer I'd been taking this medication for about 6 months three little white pills at night. I lost around 15 pounds and was on the edge of being underweight. While I lost all this weight I lost a lot/most of my muscle I had built up during my high school career. That's when I stopped taking the medication. Before I left for college I started up again, so my vision would be better and I wouldn't have as many migraines. Well come end of October/November I was having these crazy pulsing intense pains in random spots of my body. Went home for thanksgiving break got blood drawn. And it turns out I have very low potassium. What the Heck how does that even happen I Love Bananas, and eat lots of food with potassium in it. This should not be happening. Well I got curious and was reading online medical journals. Turns out my Migraine medication pretty much takes out all my potassium in my body. No wonder I felt so weak last summer. I'd been faithfully taking my potassium and during spring break went home and got my blood drawn again. I'm still Low! Now that's crazy!
and since then I've been really bad about taking my potassium. Ugh. Pretty much if I'm taking my Migraine medication (which I should be EVERYDAY) I HAVE to be taking my potassium.
Okay now back to rant.....
I'm so sick of having to take the horse pills though! I even split them in half now when I take them, because it's so annoying! I mean I'm really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really super ultra thankful that my allergies are gone. They were pretty serious, but now I'm just highly allergic to dust mites. Still this whole Potassium thing is REALLY REALLY serious. It's one of the main things for your physical heart you NEED, too much can kill you and so can too little. Plus I'm pretty sure that today I felt like I was literally going to pass out at work today. It was not good. I fought it off, and then went and got a Dr. Pepper. I'm pretty sure it has potassium sorbate in it, plus caffeine. Okay maybe the caffeine part wasn't good. But I made it through the next hour and a half at work without feeling the Imma going to pass out at any second feeling.
Okay I MUST take my potassium tomorrow!
End of Rant.
Whew. I feel much better now.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

I remember Dancing and Smiling in a world meant to break our hearts

Today, Danielle, Kelli and I went on a photo shoot adventure downtown. It turned out pretty dang well! Danielle is going to be in the fair pageant and needs a picture to send in so, we're ARE going to get a shot of her she likes!
Here are SOME of my favorites!
P.S. The pictures are out of order.

beautiful graffiti right? I honestly hopes it never gets ruined (Kelli)
Love this picture.(not edited)
Serious. Seductive.
Now in Black in White. In the "herpes chairs" they were in the middle of the alley who knew what was on them... eek.
There were boys Playing soccer in the alley. Ironically enough I think they were Mexican.
I Love this picture of Danielle I Think it turned out really cute!
"The band"
Danielle took this! Love it!
Kelli has another picture similar to this from when she was little. It's pretty much a remake!
You should act like you're going to kick me! BAM!!
Yellow Door!!! Not Edited at all!
Another Picture of Danielle. That I think turned out GREAT!
Is that really me?
I wanted an extreme Black and White Exposure Shot. Here it is!

Oh just for reference, yes. ALL my photos are copyrighted. They just don't have a little symbol on them