Monday, December 8, 2014

Life Lately.

Hey, So it's been awhile.
Like 10 weeks actually. 
So here's a 30 week bump picture.
Yes I am huge. (or I feel huge)
My rings no longer fit. 
And neither do normal cute shoes. 
Life has been incredibly busy for us.
In October we made a last minute move.
We now live in a small apartment in Provo. 
We are both still working and going to school full time.
Matt seems to be doing good with school. English has been hard for him having to write all those papers. 
School has been kicking my butt. All I want to do is sleep. haha
Matt has taken on a new (permanent job) at Jamberry Nails. (this happened in September) He started working early morning in the warehouse, then about a month later James told him of another position opening up. So he currently does approvals, which is making sure the custom nail wraps don't violate any rules or copyrights. The hours are much better with his schedule. It's nice because they are currently offering overtime, which we are hoping he will be able to work. 
I guess I never mentioned it (on my blog), but this past summer a new Chick-Fil-A was built in Orem. All summer long after my job relocated to Sandy without me, Matt had been pestering encouraging me to apply there. Well August came around and I was almost feeling better, and couldn't find any information on it anywhere. I finally found their facebook page and messaged them. I went in to fill out and application, and was hired that day. Little did I know I was hired on as a manager. WHOA! AND magically it didn't make me sick.  Well, let me change that. I only threw up once there, during training. Awesome right?! Turns out late October I had our Owner talk to me, about teaching and training me to be the Director of Marketing for his store. I talked to Matt about it immediately, and started (and still am) training for it! It's wonderful because when the Owner sat me down he ask about my future plans. You know being pregnant and school and all. He literally told me at one point that he knows it's hard, and that it's just going to get harder (with a child). He wanted me to have the ability to work as much as possible, and with this position it frees me up a lot. I can work from home! So this has been a really exciting position for me! 
I just need to continue to learn more, and I currently focusing on getting all my hours in.

Okay, pregnancy wise. I am in the 3rd Trimester. Baby is about 15-17 inches long, and weigh roughly about 2.5-3.8 lbs. 69 days to go. (roughly)
If he was born today, he would have over a 95% chance of living. Naturally there would be some complications. 
Lucky for me, I don't have gestational diabetes. Whew. 
My Iron is low. So I have special medication for that. 
This boy has pushed my hips in and out of place. 
It was so bad I HAD to see a Chiropractor. My hips were out of place for a week, and I was ready to kill someone. I could literally feel my ligaments over stretching, and it would cause me to stubble and limp. Turns out my hips were twisted so bad it made one leg longer than the other.
I'm glad I went. It took 3 tries to get them to stay.
Also, turns out I've grown in the past couple of years. 
He measured me at 5'6" and this was before he fixed my hips. 
Sooo...I guess I'm not considered short anymore. 
Matt and I drive up to SLC every week for a Bradley birthing class. Which has been nice since I feel like I know nothing about birthing or labor or anything of that nature. So it's been great to be forced to learn many things I would have never known on my own. Also it's great because it promotes natural birth! Which is my plan.
I feel like I am starting to get really anxious. 
My mom flies in on Jan. 30th. 
We have received some cute used clothes and have started a small diaper stash.
We really need to get a car seat ASAP.
I need to finish the changing table.
We need to get more baby items pretty dang soon. 
I still need to call my insurance and ask about a breast pump. 
A crib could wait, since we have a bedside sleeper. 
I need a diaper bag. 
I should probably start packing a hospital bag. We need a coming home outfit. 
Okay, I should probably stop before I get stressed out. 
Basically if we just need to buy the carseat/stroller combo. Everything else can wait, and is not nearly as important. 

How Far Along:  30 weeks
Weight Gain/Loss: +12-15lbs!! FINALLY
Sleep: What sleep? I'm always tired! 
Best Moment This Week: I made Matt walk around Babies R Us, and the mall with me. We played with a stoller carseat combo I was looking at.
Movement:  Yes, all the time, especially at bed time. Stinker
Food Cravings/Aversions: Cream Cheese Brownies, Ice, Snow, PB&J (i've settled with Almond butter) Del Taco tacos (Which is proof that this is Matt's child), TUMS, I LOVE TUMS, Churros, clemetines, orange juice. 
Pregnancy Symptoms: Big belly, my belly button sticks out, braxon hicks, I AM HUNGRY ALL THE TIME. I out eat Matt now. HOT I AM SO HOT, ALL THE TIME! (Also proof this is Matt's child haha) 
What I Miss: Clothes that fit properly.
Stretch Marks:  Just on the hips from puberty. No new ones.

Girl or Boy?: BOY. 
Belly Button:  Half and Half. But out.  
Wedding Rings:  Off. 
Mood: Depends on the day. haha. I feel like my emotions have leveled out though.
Labor Signs:  Braxon Hicks.
Milestones: 3rd trimester! WOOO! 
Upcoming Appointments/Events: December 23rd. Then we will be going every 2 weeks after that.
What I look forward to: Screaming baby cuddles. (That's keeping it real right?)
Weekly Wisdom: Get off your feet so they don't swell, eat food, buy baby stuff early if you can.

We are getting super excited for this boy.
...I hope he is ready to come early. 

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

20 Weeks!

Alright, we are finally over halfway done with this pregnancy!
As of today I have (October 1st) 137 approximate days left!
 (19 week baby bump)
Life has been busy, I normally work 40 hours a week and so does Matt, we are still both continuing in school, and my English class ends on the 14th. Which, is going to allow me to focus more on my other classes.

This is basically a 20 week update. 
So today, we went in for our BIG ultrasound. You know the one where they measure the baby's body from head to toe, and TELL YOU THE SEX OF THE BABY!!?!?!?
Yes, That was Today. 
It was wonderful! 
There was a big screen TV that we got to watch it on. 
But ultrasounds kind of hurt, they put A LOT of pressure on your tummy. 
It made me nauseous after. 
Anyways, Matt was super cute! He sat right next to me and held my hand the entire time, and was totally enticed by the baby. I think he really liked seeing the baby. It seems so much more real this time. 
Baby was moving and kicking it's feet. The Dr. who performed the ultrasound was super awesome and sweet. The very first thing she did was take a look at the gender. Which I will talk about in a wittle bit. But the baby was measuring a couple days ahead which is totally normal. It was way cool to look at each individual part of baby. We were even able to see the blood flow from the placenta and in and out the heart chambers.  Baby had it's hands up by it's face the entire time! And you could totally see baby wiggling it's toes!! SUPER CUTE! It's fun to see that baby already has some of it's own personality and characteristics already! Found a position that is comfy. It stayed in the same basic position the entire time, which is head down, by the way. (PLEASE STAY DOWN) It was definitely an experience I'll never forget! Much cooler than any other ultrasound I've had. 
SOOO first of all let's get some Old-Wives tales out of the way. 

Baby's heart beat: 143-BOY
Craving Sweet or Salty?: Salty (and orange juice)- BOY
Morning Sickness?: YES- GIRL
Emotions: MOODY-GIRL
Skin: Dry (Like normal)-BOY
Sleeping on which side?: Both. My hips hurt. 
Headaches: Yes -BOY

AND IT'S A.....
or as Luke said, 

Mom said he was super excited and jumping up and down. Luke has said some cute things about me having a baby. Like once I got a call from him asking if he can have my baby. hahaha It's fun having younger siblings. 
Matt and I are super excited for this little boy! I knew it all along! We have a first name picked out, which we are keeping quiet until Baby BOY is born. We just need to settle on a middle name now. EEK!!!!!
How Far Along: 20 weeks
Weight Gain/Loss: (I've gained 6lbs) now only -2lbs from where I started! 
Sleep: Meh, Uncomfortable.
Movement: YES! Lots this BOY is super active! 
Food Cravings/Aversions: Meh. Panda

Express (Chinese food) sounds sooo gross. But not any cravings. Oh wait. Chips and cheese, or salsa! 
Pregnancy Symptoms: Morning sickness (not as bad), heartburn, bloody noses, headaches, body aches, acne on face, chest, stuffy nose, bigger breasts, and I WANT TO EAT ALL THE TIME!
What I Miss: Clothes that fit properly. 
Stretch Marks: One? I've seen one, but since I started using lotion I can't seem to find it anymore.
Girl or Boy?: BOY
Belly Button: Normal. Innie. 
Wedding Rings: Loose.
Mood: MOODY.
Labor Signs: Too early!
Milestones: HALF WAY DONE!
Upcoming Appointments/Events: Not for 4 weeks. Going to SLC for a comedy show we LOVE on Friday, and General Conference Saturday and Sunday!
What I look forward to: Matt being able to REALLY feel Baby Boy! 
Weekly Wisdom: SLEEP.

...Until next time! 

Sunday, August 17, 2014

14 Weeks.

Well, since I am terrible at blogging. I guess I should start again. 
So first off. We're Expecting!!! 
It was kind of a surprise. We weren't actually "trying" that month to get pregnant.
(but still wanting to) 
The 2nd weekend in June I was able to go up to Kaylee's baptism. (Our niece) Matt wasn't able to go because he didn't want to ask work off after going to Missouri for Jeremy's graduation. That weekend I was STARVING , THIRSTY, and HOT! Then on the way home, I literally could not keep my eyes open. I was SOOOO tired. I had the what if thought, and totally brushed it aside.
The funniest part is, Kirsten (Matt's sister) had asked his Mom if I was pregnant when we were there. Haha!  We arrived home Sunday afternoon, and no period. It was late, again, like normal, but I didn't want to get my hopes up. Wednesday came and we did the at home test June 11th, and it was impossible for me not to watch it develop. I can never tell if I get enough on it until I start to see the wetness in the window, so basically I watched it developed. Then Matt had to have known something was up because he came in asking if it was positive. It was so positive. The pregnancy line was darker than the test line!! I didn't know what to think, it can't be real, kind of in shock. We told only parents that day....and I told Danielle because she had told me a few days before that she was pregnant. (My heart almost broke I was SOOO jealous!) Good timing though, being pregnant at the same time as one of your best friends is fun! I mean, WHAT ARE THE CHANCES!?!! That Friday I went to the Dr. she confirmed my pregnancy, and gave me a goody bag full of freebies, magazines, and prenatals.
Now let me tell you. It's been hard. Really hard. 
I lost my job. The store moved to Sandy, Utah. Ugh.
I had the WORST recovery from my gum graft. 
It pushed my morning sickness over the edge, and I ended up in the ER for IV therapy one night. Luckily it never got any worse than that. Thank Goodness. 
I have been miserable. I've lost 9.5 pounds I've been so sick.
I am super grateful for dissolvable anti-nausea medicine, TUMS, milk, Colace, gummy prenatals, and my sweet husband. I can't cook, I've tried and it makes me super nauseous. He's been super sweet and understanding, even when I am super gross and have puke in my hair. Anyways, I'll stop complaining, I know it can be sooooooo much worse. I could have HG or like one of my friends, get a feeding tube, or even still not be pregnant, or could have miscarried. I can't even imagine the pain and heartache. 
I am super grateful.
SO.... 14 weeks. Our baby is the size of a Pear!
I am officially in the 2nd trimester. (right?) and hoping this morning sickness starts going away! Our baby is forming teeth, already has fingerprints, can hiccup, squint, frown and pull on the umbilical cord and start sucking his/her thumb! 

Now time for a little survey. 

How Far Along:  14 weeks.
Weight Gain/Loss:  -9.5lbs
Sleep: Meh, Uncomfortable.
Best Moment This Week: Getting a job, and celebrating at Red Robin! We'll talk about that later, because I'm not sure if my tummy can handle it.
Movement:  Doubtful.
Food Cravings/Aversions: I WANT A PB&J SANDWICH! (I've settled on sunflower butter) I cannot even think about meat, and protein shakes.
Pregnancy Symptoms: Morning sickness, heartburn, bloody noses, headaches, body aches, constipation, acne on face, back and chest, stuffy nose, bigger breasts, I have to eat every 2 hours or I get sick, and other things you don't want to know.
What I Miss: Not throwing up.
Stretch Marks:  Just on the hips from puberty. No new ones.

Girl or Boy?: We don't know yet. We are both thinking Boy, even though I would totally love a little girl to dress up.  (Plus everyone is having a boy) We'll find out in a few weeks.
Belly Button:  Normal. Innie. 
Wedding Rings:  Loose.
Mood: MOODY.
Labor Signs:  Too early!
Milestones: 2nd trimester! first ultrasound!  
Upcoming Appointments/Events: School starts in a week. EEEEK! Next appt. September 3rd.
What I look forward to: Recognizable movement, baby bump.
Weekly Wisdom:  EAT.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Happy Day

My friend Garrett got married yesterday! 
I am way excited for him. 
He was in my home stake growing up, and he has a younger brother my age too. Matt and I went to Garrett and Karen's reception! Beautiful reception! 
And they were both so happy! 
I loved just being there even though I really didn't know many people. 
Garrett is so happy! He had the biggest smile on his face the entire time! 
I love weddings. They are so sweet! 
Today I also got to go to Joan's bridal shower! So much fun! And so cute! We talked a lot and all caught up and got to know each other. Ate some yummy food, played games, and took pictures! 
Such a fun day! 

Friday, April 25, 2014

Everything has changed.

But really, everything has. 
I have a new job, Matt has a new job. 
I'm officially going back to school full time in the fall. 
I have perfect teeth. 
I am not just saying that, my teeth are so perfectly straight, they look fake. 
Okay, so I've only had them off for a couple of days, and I am still adjusting.
But I just never thought it would happen. 
Getting braces a couple months before I turned 21, was not in my plans. 
But it happened, and has been a huge game changer.
Mainly because at the age of (almost) 21. I was way insecure about my smile, and I had been for years.
I had finally come to terms about it. 
Thanks to the sweetest friend ever. Who told me he liked my smile. 
You like my smile? How is that even possible my teeth are horrid! Fangs, and crooked teeth! You couldn't even see a couple of my up front teeth!!!! 
Either way, such a sweet friend really changed my perspective on how my teeth looked. 
Like a lot. He probably doesn't even realized it. 
But after he told me that I really started to accept my teeth for what and how they were.
It gave me SOOOO much more confidence. 
So getting braces really has been a life changer. 
 I never thought my smile could look this good.
I seriously was at the point I didn't care, and gave up on my teeth.
But I guess the dreams I had in high school of me with straight teeth finally came true. 
The day I walked into Dr. Berg's office had such a huge impact on me. 
Just for the consultation, he walked in and without me saying ANYTHING he addressed everything about my teeth I hated.
Talk about a great orthodontist.
And their staff, made me feel at home, such an easy going place to be! 
They even were able to help communicate things to my mom, of what everything was going on starting up. Not to mention a few other things he offered that made braces more affordable. So if you are in the Orem/Provo area, go to him!

Alright, so I know you're probably just waiting to here about our new jobs! We both start on the same day, May 5th. 

So Matt found a full time seasonal job at Sprinkler Supply Company. He is a driver/warehouse worker. Which will be great! It's only a seasonal job, but when they let him go, they won't just drop him high and dry, they are going to make sure he has another job before letting him go. (If they do).
...and that's all I know about that. 

Then within the last week I found and got a job at Big Al's BBQ. It's a great local restaurant backed up by a big company. Which provides a lot of security. I am being hired on as a manager. Perfect! I think they have the potential to expand in the future, which would be great, and could possibly get my foot in the door for moving up within the company. And the people who work there love it. So I'm pretty excited to start it'll be a great change of pace. 

Oh, now school. I'm killing my math class. My final is on Monday. I have a B+ right now before the last unit and take home test. So hopefully I can sneak a few points in and get it to an A. 
But my GPA is still too low to qualify for fafsa. 
So we get to take out a loan. Fun. 
Luckily Matt doesn't have any loans. Which makes it a bit easier. 
But full time school here I come. Let's get this DONE! 

Sunday, March 9, 2014

The world lost a great man today. May he live forever. Bruce Coggins. 

Sunday, March 2, 2014


So you may or may not know a quirky little thing about me. 
I love clothes!!! 
Not only that. But I seem to get emotionally attached to them. So I never get rid of them and then resulting and a fight for closet space. 
Well finally today I went threw all my clothes. Picked out some for my sister Sarah, and had a huge box to give away. This seriously never happens! 
I don't take over the entire closet anymore! I'm so proud! That was super hard. Thank goodness I got Matt to warm up and tell what he likes and doesn't like. And to convince me what I will be able to do without.
Life is hard. I tackled this, now what else can go? 

Thursday, February 13, 2014


So if you don't already know. I'm back in school.
Taking only one class. 
Definitely a good one class to focus and take by itself.
Well turns out, if I actually do my homework, go to class and ask questions, I actually understand it. 
And who knows why it took me so many years to understand. 
Maybe it's the way my teacher teaches, which is awesome.
Maybe it's because you can he (my teacher) actually enjoys it. 
Maybe it's because it's the only class I have.
Who knows??
My first test I got a 93%.
The test I took on Monday. I got an 82%
Where I didn't feel I understood all the concepts, and mixed them all up. 
So my goal for this class is to get an A. 
I can do it. 
I just need to do the homework. 
Which I hate. I'd rather be deep cleaning or do laundry for that matter. 
Or blogging...........Oh.........
Okay I'm going to go do my homework now. 
Kay, Bye.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

I haven't blogged for a LONG time.
I miss it.
So hello 2014! 
I want you to know
I love this picture WAY too much. 
This is Matt's dad, Reed. 
And that cute little guy he's holding is Matt. 

Just something about this picture gets me every time. 

Anyways not much is new here.
Went to Missouri for Christmas, celebrated the new year by ourselves.  

Getting close to our 1 year marriage mark. 

I want to buy my own house to call my own, and decorate. EVERYTHING!
It's like i'm stir crazy or something.

I need a new job. Matt needs a new (full time) job too. 
We're both in school.
Matt's getting into A LOT of I.T. stuff. 
I'm only taking one class. 
Math. (And I'm totally kicking it's butt this time around, due to having such a wonderful teacher)

Taxes were an pain in the... butt.
Seriously I was so mad. 
Put in all 3 w-2's and we (filed jointly) we're going to get the same amount I had last year. WTF.
Luckily we got tax information from school. And found the rest of the money that was NEEDED.

And I really mean it. 
My endoscopy we still need to pay. $700
Then a couple more medical bills. 
And put a good chunk down on Matt's two credit cards.
Pay Casey $75, and give his mom half of the cost of plane tickets for paying it for us. 
But besides my students loans. 
which are never going to get paid because i only pay five dollars a month.
We won't have much debt.
SOOOOO, I want to buy a cheap car.
We'll'd save us approx. 12+miles of gas a day.
(and I would get to sleep more, and be more independent.)

by the way i got my hair cut

Oh plans. 
I wonder where this year will take us.

.....hopefully a baby crawford.
(disclaimer, I am not pregnant, yet.)