Thursday, January 26, 2012

It's 5:12am

...and I am wide awake, and I have been awake for the past 40 minutes and there's no hope of going back to sleep.

So naturally, I've been thinking, about so many wonderful things.
Yesterday evening I finished my taxes for the past year, and realized I will have enough money to settled my debt with UVU and also my credit card. Which paying off my debts is my main goal for the year of 2012. I thought it would take so much longer than it already has! This is such a wonderful blessing in my life, and I can't even begin to explain the amount of love I have felt from our loving Father in Heaven.
This love I have truly felt just seems to remind me of when I first moved out to Utah. I knew basically no one. Yet, for some wonderful reason, from the first day I set foot into my new ward. They quickly accepted, got to know me, and made me feel so loved and included, which was something I really needed being so far away from home.
The wonderful law of tithing has also been a MAJOR blessing in my life since I have moved. I literally moved out to Utah with maybe $500 with me, in that cost included, traveling to and from, and paying for expenses while here. So basically I had no money whatsoever. After a week a living here, I received a call, for a job offer, and was able to start as soon as I got back to Utah. (I'd gone back home for Christmas) In January of 2011 I was waiting for my financial aid to go through, I was supposed to get enough money to help out with living expenses, but that never happened. Somehow, just somehow my parents were able to pay my rent Jan-April then. Which blows my mind. Not to mention how much more than have helped me out since then, paying for broken car costs (that just went to waste) and just literally helping me get on my feet. I literally can't believe how much was spent. But I know it was because I am a full tithe payer that this was possible. The Lord has blessed me so very much in this aspect of my life, I've always been able to have just what is needed, and not anymore.
I've come to realize that Northwest Missouri State U. was where I needed to be when I left for college. I will never regret going there. I met wonderful people who have impacted my life for the better. Not to mention because I was only 3.5 hours away from home I was able to spend Thanksgiving and Christmas with my family, which ended up being the last earthly Holidays with my Grandpa Ward.
I know I am just rambling, but I am just so overly grateful right now, beyond words. The Lord has just blessed me so very much!

Sunday, January 1, 2012