Sunday, August 17, 2014

14 Weeks.

Well, since I am terrible at blogging. I guess I should start again. 
So first off. We're Expecting!!! 
It was kind of a surprise. We weren't actually "trying" that month to get pregnant.
(but still wanting to) 
The 2nd weekend in June I was able to go up to Kaylee's baptism. (Our niece) Matt wasn't able to go because he didn't want to ask work off after going to Missouri for Jeremy's graduation. That weekend I was STARVING , THIRSTY, and HOT! Then on the way home, I literally could not keep my eyes open. I was SOOOO tired. I had the what if thought, and totally brushed it aside.
The funniest part is, Kirsten (Matt's sister) had asked his Mom if I was pregnant when we were there. Haha!  We arrived home Sunday afternoon, and no period. It was late, again, like normal, but I didn't want to get my hopes up. Wednesday came and we did the at home test June 11th, and it was impossible for me not to watch it develop. I can never tell if I get enough on it until I start to see the wetness in the window, so basically I watched it developed. Then Matt had to have known something was up because he came in asking if it was positive. It was so positive. The pregnancy line was darker than the test line!! I didn't know what to think, it can't be real, kind of in shock. We told only parents that day....and I told Danielle because she had told me a few days before that she was pregnant. (My heart almost broke I was SOOO jealous!) Good timing though, being pregnant at the same time as one of your best friends is fun! I mean, WHAT ARE THE CHANCES!?!! That Friday I went to the Dr. she confirmed my pregnancy, and gave me a goody bag full of freebies, magazines, and prenatals.
Now let me tell you. It's been hard. Really hard. 
I lost my job. The store moved to Sandy, Utah. Ugh.
I had the WORST recovery from my gum graft. 
It pushed my morning sickness over the edge, and I ended up in the ER for IV therapy one night. Luckily it never got any worse than that. Thank Goodness. 
I have been miserable. I've lost 9.5 pounds I've been so sick.
I am super grateful for dissolvable anti-nausea medicine, TUMS, milk, Colace, gummy prenatals, and my sweet husband. I can't cook, I've tried and it makes me super nauseous. He's been super sweet and understanding, even when I am super gross and have puke in my hair. Anyways, I'll stop complaining, I know it can be sooooooo much worse. I could have HG or like one of my friends, get a feeding tube, or even still not be pregnant, or could have miscarried. I can't even imagine the pain and heartache. 
I am super grateful.
SO.... 14 weeks. Our baby is the size of a Pear!
I am officially in the 2nd trimester. (right?) and hoping this morning sickness starts going away! Our baby is forming teeth, already has fingerprints, can hiccup, squint, frown and pull on the umbilical cord and start sucking his/her thumb! 

Now time for a little survey. 

How Far Along:  14 weeks.
Weight Gain/Loss:  -9.5lbs
Sleep: Meh, Uncomfortable.
Best Moment This Week: Getting a job, and celebrating at Red Robin! We'll talk about that later, because I'm not sure if my tummy can handle it.
Movement:  Doubtful.
Food Cravings/Aversions: I WANT A PB&J SANDWICH! (I've settled on sunflower butter) I cannot even think about meat, and protein shakes.
Pregnancy Symptoms: Morning sickness, heartburn, bloody noses, headaches, body aches, constipation, acne on face, back and chest, stuffy nose, bigger breasts, I have to eat every 2 hours or I get sick, and other things you don't want to know.
What I Miss: Not throwing up.
Stretch Marks:  Just on the hips from puberty. No new ones.

Girl or Boy?: We don't know yet. We are both thinking Boy, even though I would totally love a little girl to dress up.  (Plus everyone is having a boy) We'll find out in a few weeks.
Belly Button:  Normal. Innie. 
Wedding Rings:  Loose.
Mood: MOODY.
Labor Signs:  Too early!
Milestones: 2nd trimester! first ultrasound!  
Upcoming Appointments/Events: School starts in a week. EEEEK! Next appt. September 3rd.
What I look forward to: Recognizable movement, baby bump.
Weekly Wisdom:  EAT.