Saturday, December 31, 2011

For once I can say I REALLY don't like Ice Cream.

Yesterday, December 30th, 2011. I got my wisdom teeth removed. It actually wasn't too bad. The worst part would've been the coming out of the anesthesia. Right when I woke up I got my shoes on and they walked me to he car. I had no idea what was going on. I was so dizzy and loopy. I thought they'd give me time to recover from that before swooshing me away. haha. Not. Luckily Carrie and her kids took really good care of getting me home. I hope I didn't scare the kids too much. Matthew came over basically as soon as I got here. I also texted Cy too. Matthew made sure I got the ice cream down, which took for-freakin'-ever (it hurt so freakin' bad!), and he made sure I got my medications too. Cy ended up coming over for a bit, and helping too. I really don't remember that much. I know I did a couple weird things though. I quickly felt better, but I did bleed for awhile. Not surprising. I was soo tired, but never actually feel asleep.
Yesterday mainly consumed of dizziness, football, and tv. Last night Dirty Dancing and Grease were on! Yay! Totally watched those. Today I woke up at 5 or 6 and took some meds and went back to bed until 11am. I haven't really done much. Ate, took meds, showered, OH! and I went over to Marienllo. They are having this huge end of the year sale on their hair products. I went and bought some of the Sebastian shampoo and conditionor. it was only $32 for a liter of each! (it's usually around $50-60)
So far I really haven't swelled up. Thank goodness.

Note to self:
After wisdom teeth removal,
Ice Cream is a horrible idea!
Mashed potatoes and Jello, good idea.
Scrambled eggs. Okay.

Kay bye. I'm just rambling now.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011


Sadly there are no pictures from Novemeber..... So here's Trory.
Oh wait.. Breaking Dawn Premiere!
My cousin Jonathan reported to the MTC. Uncle Mike and Elder went to lunch and then we dropped him off, and Uncle Mike and I got dessert and talked. Which was way nice!
Beautiful Sunset.
Thanksgiving I went to the Krogh's house. Which was absolutely wonderful!
Ice Skating!
It was my first time, and it was a great group date!
Homemade Pizza Night!
Christmas Cookies!!
Grape Faces! :)

Matthew's masterpiece
The last Ward Prayer, was themed for the season!
It was soooo much fun!
Sandy moved out. And SOOOOO much tension has disappeared in our apartment. It's pretty relieving!
Matthew and I are dating, again. It's going pretty dang good! :)
Pre-Wedding Night.
We had a roommate Christmas present exchange, watched movies, talked, I scrubbed Nik's feet into a beautiful work of art, and Lauren painted her nails. (her now husband calls her feet caveman feet)
We completely pampered her. It was soooo great! She was so excited and we were too!
It was a wonderful night.
The next morning we all got up, got ready, and helped Nik get ready too. It was so wonderful, and cute. Alisa came over and did Nik's hair.
(Picture is from there Reception/ring exchange in Indiana, but it's basically the same hair)
Nik and Hunter headed up to Draper at 12:45pm
The roommates quickly followed.
Pictures were at 2:30pm.
Sealing 4:oopm.
Hunter, and Nik Dorsey were sealed for time and all eternity, in the Draper Utah Temple, December 16th, 2011 at 4pm.
What a wonderful, marvelous, beautiful, joyous, winter day!
I'm so thrilled that all the roommates were able to go.
It was such a wonderful experience, and I know it means a lot to Nik, and Hunter.
I love them so very much!
Coming out of the temple!
On the Way to Draper!
Matthew, Brittany, Tyler, Bridget, Taylor, and I all went on a group date up to SLC to see the Temple Square lights. BEAUTIFUL! After we came home drank hot chocolate and baked cookies. I burned some of them. But they were totally the ones you roll into balls and cook. Lame! haha
Last week I met Matthew's family, and friends. And we exchanged gifts which for some reason I was really nervous about. haha All is well.

Christmas Eve Chantal came and picked me up and I spent Christmas with them. Which was really nice! They even got me a little something. Their ward was way different but good. I got to Skype with my Family. Which was way nice. Luke woke up while we were talking, Luke saw me and yelled "Heather, Heather, Heather" and came to talk too. It was soo stinkin' cute.
I got to go back to Provo that night.
Gorgeous Sunset this evening!

This just happened. Love you Kels!