Sunday, May 23, 2010

You've had a Birthday.....

Oh that'd be me! Yesterday May 22nd, was my 19th birthday. I didn't do too much for my actual birthday. I had Biscuits and Gravy for Breakfast/Lunch and then Mom, Sarah and I ran off to Stephanie's wedding. We were good friends when we were really little. Then she moved away, and moved back awhile ago. It was a beautiful wedding!! I'm glad I went!
After that, came home changed, Mom worked on the bulletin a bit and then we went over to Dairy Queen and pick up a Strawberry Chocolate Chip ice cream cake! Then headed over to walmart. I came home ate some canned ravioli, and then we did the birthday thing. After that I hung out with Danielle that night, and we talked with Slater a bit too.

For the most part I mainly celebrated my birthday on Friday night after ballroom dancing. Courtney, Kadi, Halee, Kelli, and Augusta and I of course all went out to Jade's buffet. None of us had been there so i thought it'd be a cool idea to go. Then afterwards we all saw Letters to Juliet. It was SUPER SUPER cute. If you haven't see it and want to, go do it! Afterwards we all just split up and went our separate ways. But Kelli and I took a detour on her way home, we went to walmart first lol. That was fun! We didn't cause any harm no worries!
Things You (May Have) Never Knew About Me

1. I haven't really been excited for my birthday since I was 15 or 16. I just don't like it anymore I guess, nothing too exciting happens on that day.

2. I don't like Birthday wishes either. I always say thank you though!

3. I actually like going to weddings. Why? Everyone there is usually soo happy and excited!! It's super cute!

4. This will probably be my last birthday at home for a year or two.

5. I love Ballroom Dancing, and once I get it, I don't forget it. It's a passion I have and one I AM GOING TO EMBRACE!!

6. Right Now. I am looking at going to Utah Valley University. Why? Because it's a good school, not as competitive at BYU, yet located in the same town, some of the housing/wards are the same. AND they have Integrated Studies. Which would allow me to get my B.S./B.A. in a course of studying that would integrate (for me) Nursing and Ballroom Dancing into a single degree!

7. While I've been writing this Matthew has gotten in and out of the shower and Jeremy just got in.......I still have to shower before church at 1pm. It's almost 11:30

8. I have TOOOOOOOOO many shirts from high school, Youth conference, Girls camp, ones I've made, etc. I NEED to make a quilt while I am home.

9. As a "young adult" I hate Kirksville(as a YSA I Love it!), and being under my parents roof. Why? Well one. Midnight curfew. I am an adult, and they know I'm not going out partying and drinking. sigh. (I'd get up in the morning if we were actually do something, but it's always just down time) Plus right now. I don't have a bed. and when I finally got the room clean. I came home that night and Sarah destroyed it.

10. Everyone loves my complexion. I. Hate. It. I got acne and crap when I got to college. Y'all should've seen me without foundation during christmas break....eeek. Plus trying to match blush or lipstick to my skin and hair. sucks!

11. I've only done baptisms in one temple in my whole life. Nauvoo!
But I have been in another temple. It was when I was sealed to my parent when I was younger. 1995. Chicago.

12. I've never really spent time in a big city. Like Chicago (don't remember it) or St. Louis, or Kansas City. I've been to Jefferson City, Columbia, and the Ozarks though.

13. I may be out of shape, but I can still do my scorpion.

14. Cheerleading kept me in excellent shape throughout high school. no lie! Before college I could sprint 1.5 miles. Now I'm lucky if I can go 0.25 miles.......asjfhgkl

15. In about 2 weeks I will have my current camera for 1 year. That's the longest I've EVER had a camera.

16. I know around 15 couples who have just recently gotten married within the last year or are engaged.

17. I miss Rick Jensen. He's currently serving a LDS mission, and I couldn't be more proud of him!

18. On 17. I originally put I miss Liz Hart. Because if you read above most of the things about me deal with college. Liz was my Roomie!!!
oh I miss Liz Hart!!

19. College has made me realize I am a lot stronger than I EVER thought I was. Thank goodness.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Yesterday Night I had the wonderful privilege of being able to attend an YSA fireside presented by Richard G. Scott. I've never actually been in the presence of a general authority except for the dedication, ground breaking, and corner stone laying of the Nauvoo Temple. So for me this was SUPER SUPER exciting!!!!
Courtney Kadi and I Drove down to Columbia ate at the Macaroni Grill, cut it a bit close, but yet made it! Just in time!

Elder Scott said he didn't just want to speak to us. He wanted us to ask questions. And told us some of the best ways to receive revaltion for ourselves is to right it down. More can come. I've had that happen before actually. Most of the question were based around dating, the importance of temple marriage, how to explain to non-LDS family member about how important the temple is to us without making them feel left out in the marriage, how to help the inactive members of the church (this was the question i was thinking about asking) and the one thing that our age group could work on. (another question i wanted to ask/almost did)

It was great to hear an apostle of the Lord speak directly to us, and in the same room too! Elder Scott was so happy and cheerful, you could tell he was happy to be in Columbia, and speaking to us. The spirit was very strong and uplifting there. My favorite part about the meeting was that the way Elder Scott had it all set up for people to ask questions, and whatnot, was that it made the room feel more comfortable, i bet it really took a load off of him too! And at the end Elder Scott and one of the Area of the seventy stood by the exit and we got to shake there hands! That was Wonderful! They both were so nice and friendly!!!!

On my way out we saw Rachel VanSoest (she goes to school at MU) and gave her a hug! It was good to see her again. Then Right before we shook Elder Scott's hand I saw an Old friend Jennifer! I met her about 5 Years ago, and I hadn't seen her since. She's leaving for her mission on Wednesday so it was GREAT to see her one last time before she left. She's serving in Portland Oregon ASL Mission.

Thursday, May 13, 2010


So today I went back to Dr. Ciesmeyer's so they could do the allergy tests (Food and Seasonal) on me. My Allergies have been acting up for quite sometime, and I've just been blaming it on the peanut butter.
He came back in, checked out my back and was amazed! Turns out all my food allergies are GONE! Yes GONE! Why? because I took LOTS of caution with them and because I haven't been exposed to them they went away!!! BUT I still have to be a little cautious with the peanut products it could come back. Now seasonal allergies. He said they got better as well!!!!!!!!! Most of them were gone! Except for dust/dust mites, I guess you could say I'm highly allergic to that/them. So I start allergy shots again, only this time for good!!! He said this will also help this allergy not to be so severe and I'm still on my allergy medications for now, if I keep up on my shots, after awhile I won't need 3 different allergy medications!

I'm sooooooo grateful for this! It'll make my life soo much easier now!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!
What a Blessing!

Oh and the best part was, when Courtney, Kadi, and I were in Nauvoo, Kadi bluntly said that she didn't think that I had a peanut allergy and wanted me to eat some peanut butter fudge.
well... she was right. hahaa.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Happy Mother's Day!!!

Mom and I matched for Mother's Day this year. Exactly. Same dresses. Sarah Matched with us too. It was way cute and we all had the flowers in our hair, the ones that Mom had crocheted. After church Grandpa and Grandma Ward came over for dinner. Which was super good! We had Chicken Enchiladas, Salad and a triple layer pudding pie. Yummy!

So I really Love my Mom, this past year we've gotten way closer since she had Luke and I left for College. It's really nice! I can tell her just about everything!!! Not to mention I really look up to her now. She's gone through many trials in her life and has come out on top! I'm very glad she made the choice to keep me, and raise me in the church. It has been such a blessing for me!