Tuesday, September 30, 2014

20 Weeks!

Alright, we are finally over halfway done with this pregnancy!
As of today I have (October 1st) 137 approximate days left!
 (19 week baby bump)
Life has been busy, I normally work 40 hours a week and so does Matt, we are still both continuing in school, and my English class ends on the 14th. Which, is going to allow me to focus more on my other classes.

This is basically a 20 week update. 
So today, we went in for our BIG ultrasound. You know the one where they measure the baby's body from head to toe, and TELL YOU THE SEX OF THE BABY!!?!?!?
Yes, That was Today. 
It was wonderful! 
There was a big screen TV that we got to watch it on. 
But ultrasounds kind of hurt, they put A LOT of pressure on your tummy. 
It made me nauseous after. 
Anyways, Matt was super cute! He sat right next to me and held my hand the entire time, and was totally enticed by the baby. I think he really liked seeing the baby. It seems so much more real this time. 
Baby was moving and kicking it's feet. The Dr. who performed the ultrasound was super awesome and sweet. The very first thing she did was take a look at the gender. Which I will talk about in a wittle bit. But the baby was measuring a couple days ahead which is totally normal. It was way cool to look at each individual part of baby. We were even able to see the blood flow from the placenta and in and out the heart chambers.  Baby had it's hands up by it's face the entire time! And you could totally see baby wiggling it's toes!! SUPER CUTE! It's fun to see that baby already has some of it's own personality and characteristics already! Found a position that is comfy. It stayed in the same basic position the entire time, which is head down, by the way. (PLEASE STAY DOWN) It was definitely an experience I'll never forget! Much cooler than any other ultrasound I've had. 
SOOO first of all let's get some Old-Wives tales out of the way. 

Baby's heart beat: 143-BOY
Craving Sweet or Salty?: Salty (and orange juice)- BOY
Morning Sickness?: YES- GIRL
Emotions: MOODY-GIRL
Skin: Dry (Like normal)-BOY
Sleeping on which side?: Both. My hips hurt. 
Headaches: Yes -BOY

AND IT'S A.....
or as Luke said, 

Mom said he was super excited and jumping up and down. Luke has said some cute things about me having a baby. Like once I got a call from him asking if he can have my baby. hahaha It's fun having younger siblings. 
Matt and I are super excited for this little boy! I knew it all along! We have a first name picked out, which we are keeping quiet until Baby BOY is born. We just need to settle on a middle name now. EEK!!!!!
How Far Along: 20 weeks
Weight Gain/Loss: (I've gained 6lbs) now only -2lbs from where I started! 
Sleep: Meh, Uncomfortable.
Movement: YES! Lots this BOY is super active! 
Food Cravings/Aversions: Meh. Panda

Express (Chinese food) sounds sooo gross. But not any cravings. Oh wait. Chips and cheese, or salsa! 
Pregnancy Symptoms: Morning sickness (not as bad), heartburn, bloody noses, headaches, body aches, acne on face, chest, stuffy nose, bigger breasts, and I WANT TO EAT ALL THE TIME!
What I Miss: Clothes that fit properly. 
Stretch Marks: One? I've seen one, but since I started using lotion I can't seem to find it anymore.
Girl or Boy?: BOY
Belly Button: Normal. Innie. 
Wedding Rings: Loose.
Mood: MOODY.
Labor Signs: Too early!
Milestones: HALF WAY DONE!
Upcoming Appointments/Events: Not for 4 weeks. Going to SLC for a comedy show we LOVE on Friday, and General Conference Saturday and Sunday!
What I look forward to: Matt being able to REALLY feel Baby Boy! 
Weekly Wisdom: SLEEP.

...Until next time!