Saturday, December 31, 2011

For once I can say I REALLY don't like Ice Cream.

Yesterday, December 30th, 2011. I got my wisdom teeth removed. It actually wasn't too bad. The worst part would've been the coming out of the anesthesia. Right when I woke up I got my shoes on and they walked me to he car. I had no idea what was going on. I was so dizzy and loopy. I thought they'd give me time to recover from that before swooshing me away. haha. Not. Luckily Carrie and her kids took really good care of getting me home. I hope I didn't scare the kids too much. Matthew came over basically as soon as I got here. I also texted Cy too. Matthew made sure I got the ice cream down, which took for-freakin'-ever (it hurt so freakin' bad!), and he made sure I got my medications too. Cy ended up coming over for a bit, and helping too. I really don't remember that much. I know I did a couple weird things though. I quickly felt better, but I did bleed for awhile. Not surprising. I was soo tired, but never actually feel asleep.
Yesterday mainly consumed of dizziness, football, and tv. Last night Dirty Dancing and Grease were on! Yay! Totally watched those. Today I woke up at 5 or 6 and took some meds and went back to bed until 11am. I haven't really done much. Ate, took meds, showered, OH! and I went over to Marienllo. They are having this huge end of the year sale on their hair products. I went and bought some of the Sebastian shampoo and conditionor. it was only $32 for a liter of each! (it's usually around $50-60)
So far I really haven't swelled up. Thank goodness.

Note to self:
After wisdom teeth removal,
Ice Cream is a horrible idea!
Mashed potatoes and Jello, good idea.
Scrambled eggs. Okay.

Kay bye. I'm just rambling now.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011


Sadly there are no pictures from Novemeber..... So here's Trory.
Oh wait.. Breaking Dawn Premiere!
My cousin Jonathan reported to the MTC. Uncle Mike and Elder went to lunch and then we dropped him off, and Uncle Mike and I got dessert and talked. Which was way nice!
Beautiful Sunset.
Thanksgiving I went to the Krogh's house. Which was absolutely wonderful!
Ice Skating!
It was my first time, and it was a great group date!
Homemade Pizza Night!
Christmas Cookies!!
Grape Faces! :)

Matthew's masterpiece
The last Ward Prayer, was themed for the season!
It was soooo much fun!
Sandy moved out. And SOOOOO much tension has disappeared in our apartment. It's pretty relieving!
Matthew and I are dating, again. It's going pretty dang good! :)
Pre-Wedding Night.
We had a roommate Christmas present exchange, watched movies, talked, I scrubbed Nik's feet into a beautiful work of art, and Lauren painted her nails. (her now husband calls her feet caveman feet)
We completely pampered her. It was soooo great! She was so excited and we were too!
It was a wonderful night.
The next morning we all got up, got ready, and helped Nik get ready too. It was so wonderful, and cute. Alisa came over and did Nik's hair.
(Picture is from there Reception/ring exchange in Indiana, but it's basically the same hair)
Nik and Hunter headed up to Draper at 12:45pm
The roommates quickly followed.
Pictures were at 2:30pm.
Sealing 4:oopm.
Hunter, and Nik Dorsey were sealed for time and all eternity, in the Draper Utah Temple, December 16th, 2011 at 4pm.
What a wonderful, marvelous, beautiful, joyous, winter day!
I'm so thrilled that all the roommates were able to go.
It was such a wonderful experience, and I know it means a lot to Nik, and Hunter.
I love them so very much!
Coming out of the temple!
On the Way to Draper!
Matthew, Brittany, Tyler, Bridget, Taylor, and I all went on a group date up to SLC to see the Temple Square lights. BEAUTIFUL! After we came home drank hot chocolate and baked cookies. I burned some of them. But they were totally the ones you roll into balls and cook. Lame! haha
Last week I met Matthew's family, and friends. And we exchanged gifts which for some reason I was really nervous about. haha All is well.

Christmas Eve Chantal came and picked me up and I spent Christmas with them. Which was really nice! They even got me a little something. Their ward was way different but good. I got to Skype with my Family. Which was way nice. Luke woke up while we were talking, Luke saw me and yelled "Heather, Heather, Heather" and came to talk too. It was soo stinkin' cute.
I got to go back to Provo that night.
Gorgeous Sunset this evening!

This just happened. Love you Kels!

Sunday, October 23, 2011


So it's been quite awhile.....
Basically two months, and I wish I knew why I felt so great back then.
There's going to be some random pictures here. For instance, Roommate pictures.
Life has been stressful, and crazy lately. My car finally got fixed, and cost way too much. Then a week later it broke down while I was driving to Salt Lake. It started smoking and it took a mile to get off the Belt Route highway. When I stopped my car, it was leaking some type of oil mixed with something else. Luckily for me, a Lady who saw what had happened followed me off and then told me of a shop not even a block away from where I was parked. So my best bet was to get my car there. I did it. But my Transmission plug was leaking, and it would cost over $1,000 for parts alone.
So that being said Speedy, is still at that shop. Funny story about that shop. By weird connections my mother knows who owns this shop. It's her friend's daughter's father-in-law. Ha. Weird.
Aubrey, Nik and I made a count down until her and Hunter's wedding. and It's all over the apartment.
We had a new roommate move in! Her name is Bridget and we all love her to death!
Work had been under construction all of October. I was working MAYBE 30 hours a week. :(
Brittany and I finished decorating the apartment. We even got our families are forever wall going. With Hunter and Nik at the top, of course!
FHE pumpkin carving activity. Steph and I made a Hinckley pumpkin!!
So, Halloween weekend Friday-Monday. I ended up with 5 different outfits for various events.
Friday night I was the Ward halloween party. Murder mystery. So I wore my ol' Winter Dress and my purple mask. Sadly I don't have a picture of it.
That night, Alisa, Brittany, Kimberly, and I all went to the Alpine Village party. It was a HUGE mosh pit. We literally almost died. (towards the end of the night)
We were all grasping on to each other for dear life. Then Kim, and Alisa disappeared. So it was me and Britt. We were right next to the mosh pit, we'd stumbled a few times. But then it hit us hard, I fell and brought Britt with me. She gave me the we're gonna die look. Then all the guys around us made space so we wouldn't get trampled. Then helped us up, and made sure as heck we stayed on our feet after. What wonderful gentlemen! Then the DJ warned everyone to be careful and calm down because there were girls on the floor. We left soon after, and poor Kim broke her toe nail. After 'Lisa and I wanted to do something or hangout with people, so by chance we ended up at Cy's apartment just talking and hanging out for a bit. It was nice.

Saturday I got off! :)
Slept in and went to the Stake Activity/Dance.
It was awesome!
Brother Busch got a video of Dave and I dancing. I've got to get a copy of that video. Seriously. I don't have any proof that I can dance. Decently well. haha.
After we visited my friend's house party, which was basically over. haha. Oops.

That's when we realized how absolutely starving we were, so we did what any college would do. We went to Ihop. Yumm!
Towards the end there were a group of girls who came in, and were wearing diapers, it was disgusting. No pants. Diapers. Yuck. It was one of those things when you can't stop looking.
Sunday was stake conference. Which was REALLY good!
For the second session there was a semi Q&A. Questions that people on the bishop's council submitted. Which was great! and Kept my attention a lot better.
Sunday night, Ward prayer was themed for Halloween, so naturally I dressed up. So much fun!
I also carved a pumpkin. I really just wanted the seeds, but I might as well carve it.
I'm not the most talented at carving pumpkins, but I did use an actually knife, and not those little dinky pumpkin saws.
I worked Halloween, but got off at a decent hour. I was invited to an awesome party in Bountiful. But I just wasn't feel it too much. But I dressed up anyways. And a bit after Bridget and I were talking about how we needed to go shopping, Alisa came over and asked us if we wanted to go to walmart with her. WHAT A BLESSING!!!!
Tuesday, November 1st. We had a wonderful roommate dessert. Apple bowls with ice cream and caramel, or caramel apple delight!
Wednesday was my chill do whatever day off. Whew. I actually made a thankful tree in my living room. It's pretty! :) Then later that night I downloaded the indexing program the church has... I really enjoy it. It's just making time for it now, or just doing it when nothing is going tonight......
Last night, a bunch of friends all got together for catch up and fun time at Applebees! It was way nice! Then Matthew invited me to see Apollo 18 with him and a couple of his friends so I went. I love the dollar theatre!

I finally figured out what exactly was up with Rick and I. Nothing. Nothing at all. He gave up with us a long time ago, and basically just never told me. I assumed, but never knew fer sure. Turns out he really didn't want me to "wait for him". No worried friends, I'm not heart broken, that happened about a year ago. So all is well now! End of story.

And now here I am. Friday night, (date night HA!) I need to finish the Visiting Teaching Report. Like RIGHT now!

Kay. Until next time, which better be soon!

How do you like the new layout??! yeah?

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


This has been my week, so far.
Let's keep it up!

...I'll explain super soon.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

August is Over.

It is!
Crazy! My mind is way blown. Time goes way too fast!
first off.
Augusta moved out here!! :) :) :) :) :)
She lived with me for two weeks before moving into Wyview.
Micheal and Danica got married in the Oquirrh Mt. Temple.
Beautiful Wedding.
I love them both!
I went and visited Anna.
To die my hair to a brownish color to get rid of the purple.
I was sick of it. (the purple)
Then I added Highlights.
Most of the purple is gone but they are some spots.
A week later and my hair was already red again. ha.
I love it!
Cleaning Checks. Yuck.
Let's just say, yes it was on purpose.
And our Kitchen floor was waaayy Clean!
Nik moved in! :) YAY! she is so wonderful and such great company!
We scared away the other roommate (Macey) she and her Mom freaked out because Britt had pictures up and had the beds bunked and well I had her Mattress.
Garrett came to Provo to visit Augusta!
I jumped on him and gave him a huge huge!
Aubrey took us to Temple square!
My first time ever!
Ian moved to SLC!
I got to see him and give him a quick hug!
My awesome Tunnel Singing friend left for his mission. We all miss Clarke Hawkinson.
Matthew had his birthday!
I tried to throw a surprise party.
And failed.
He found out.
It was quite funny!
After Cake we went over to the stake center and played Sardines. (INTENSE)
I just threw away the last 3 pieces of birthday cake today.
It's been about 20 days since his birthday. Gross.
All I do is work.
and sleep. (during the day)
Everyone started school and it makes me sad i'm not in classes right now.
Brittany and I rearranged the front room.
Last friday I got into my first ever accident.
It's so stupid.
I was at a stop light for a good min. getting ready to turn right. Well I realized I'd been sitting there for awhile, and it was clear.
So I look right, left, right, and I start to go. Then all of a freakin' sudden a biker comes out of no where and hits the front of the car.
I wasn't in my car.
and I didn't have my license.
I later found out my license was with me the whole freakin' time.
yeah it was a total fluke.
Sandy and I had been in a middle of a huge stupid disagreement at that time as well.
so that didn't help at all.
Luckily the disagreement is over.
But not the accident. Not yet.
That friday night was super hard, and I just couldn't get calm. Luckily I have some wonderful men in my ward, who were more than willing to come give me a blessing.
Which worked out really well because Aubrey had really been needing one as well.
Saturday Troy invited me to go hiking up to Bridal Veil Falls with him and Dave (his roommate) Alisa came as well, so did Dave's girlfriend, Danielle and her friend (Cindy I think).
That was an adventure.
It was steep.
and well on the way down we basically started a mini rock slide, almost taking out a few hikers....whoops.
And I ripped a wittle hole in the bottom of my pants.
But we Made it.

Kevin finished my car. Got it running and everything.
Then turned it off and it never came back on. So he towed it over to a place he knows.
They called me and now today (sometime) Kevin is again going to tow my car across town, to the other branch of the same place.
And he doesn't want us to pay him (he'll be getting at least $50 from me personally because he's helped me out soooo much! and all those hours he put into my as well.)
I keep on forgetting what the mechanic said was actually wrong with it. But I do remember thinking it didn't seem too huge.
But if it is. The same people sell cars as well.
They have some decent cars on the site (for super cheap). So if all else fails that can be an option in a few months.
Tuesday I didn't go to work. I slept in. and had no way to work.
Texted Rhonda later and explained why.
She called me two days later. (yesterday 9/7)
And I got it all worked out. Hopefully.
She really didn't want me to quit because I'd been working hard, I'm up for a pay raise this month andI got Employee of the month for September.
So I'm going to take the bus to work. It's 2.25 each way. and I did the math and if I only work 4 days a week, it's so much cheaper to pay as I go.
So that's the plan. We'll see how it works out.
I got charged for negative balance fees at the bank again, because the checks went through the same day as my paycheck (deposited through the ATM) sooo stupid.
I hope I get my money back, but we'll see.
So this is Life lately.
It's been kind of hard.
But I'm getting through it pretty well. (I think)
I'm supposed to be getting a letter ANYTIME from Elder Rick. hmm...
Until Next Time!
haha :)