Wednesday, February 23, 2011

I am so thankful for..

(not in too much of a particular order just when it came to me)

the law of tithing, and the blessings it brings.
my car.
my roommates.
my calling (Visiting Teaching Supervisor)
my Ward.
my friends.
my job.
my family.
being able to see the temple everyday.
my friends.
my laptop.
my cell phone.
my shoes.
the fact I've never came close to having a heart attack.
the hot tub.
the comfy couch.
my fhe group.
the internet.
finical aid.
tax returns.
easy communications.
my job.
my apartment.
Simply Juice.
the sacrament.
doing the dishes. (I used to hate it, but it relives some stress now-a-days)
sticky notes.
dance classes.
credit cards.
and winter too! (I get a break from allergies!)
Young Women's leaders.
digital cameras.
the radio.
temple blessings. (sealings for example)
the fullness of the gospel.
cookie dough.
cowboy boots.
rain boots.
the youth/young women's program.
general authorities.
the atonement.
the Plan of Salvation/Happiness.
living on the 3rd floor.
youtube videos.
good movies. (like Disney movies, and a few others)
traffic laws.
general conferences.
singing (whether you can do it well or not)
hot pads.
cookie sheets.
pasta/rice roni.
Girl's camp.
not sleeping.

...To Be Continued.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Monday, February 14, 2011


Have I mentioned how much I am in LOVE with YOU?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!
I love my roommates.

I love everyone I've met.
I love my Ward. I've never felt so belonged and loved, in such a short amount of time.

I may never go back home.
Sorry Missouri. (and Family)

Friday, February 11, 2011

Now Recently....

I've been going to classes, practicing ASL whenever I feel like it (Which actually is a lot), working, going to church activities, (and church) and last,(comma, just for you Kelsey! :)) dates, (of course) I actually have a little study group for ASL and we meet every Friday at 1:30pm in the library, and practice ASL but we also use our words. Because well it's more fun that way, and you learn just as much.
A couple of Fridays ago, Courtney and I went over to Desert Book so she could get a book for her religion class, after we went to a Men's Volleyball game over at BYU. Then we got away quickly and met up with some friends from Courtney's ward and played Murder in the Dark. (VERY DANGEROUS) haha it was awesome. We also played Beckon, which is pretty much hide and seek the Scandinavian hide and seek, with a conga line involved. Then we played the winking game that was intense too. Finally we decided to cool down and go over to Anna's/Danielle's apartment and hung out for awhile. There was this guy who came over, and we all danced randomly, (which was totally taped and is probably on youtube somewhere) It was funny. We also sang some songs, and played never have I ever, and have you ever. It was great. The next day/night Alisa, Torie, Sandy and I went shopping (kind of) we just looked around for the most part. And we ate Panda Express, 'twas my first time. Then we rushed back to the apartments and I finished getting ready and went Country/Swing dancing with Jaron, no worries I didn't fall at all this time. haha. The next week was all school and work. And on Saturday Alisa, Torie and I went to shopping for food, and walked around the mall for a bit. (Alisa wanted some wet seal jeans that Torie and I both had) Then I headed off to work! Yippee! After work I came back and went Country dancing with Jaron, which was awesome! (do you like this pattern lol)

(Alisa and I after Capture the flag. FHE Activity)
The FHE activity for the next night was Ward Capture the flag over at Wyview. Which was pretty intense. It kind of went downhill towards the end and we called a stalemate and went back to Raintree. Later on in the week, Jaron and I practiced quickstep (he's in one of my dance classes) which helped soooo much! It's actually starting to make sense now. Thank You Brittany!!!
Later on, UVU dropped me from all my classes, because my finical aid hadn't gone through yet. Stupid, because I was actually waiting for them. Well I paid a $50 fee, (of money i don't have) and my classes are reinstated, but now within the next week, I've got to get another loan to pay my rent, credit card bill (which has 2 months of rent and books), and get my car tuned up. It's been 4,000 miles since the last tune up. So that'd be a smart thing to do.
Whew, I think I'm almost caught up. (these probably sound waaay random)
Okay, so this last sunday was Super Bowl Sunday. After Church Alisa and I cooked dinner (lunch) it was yummy! And then I took a nap. After we went over to Steve's for the game. Which was awesome Greenbay Packers won! It was a fun time!

(Here's some of the group that was at the party)
After the super bowl Alisa and I helped Steve clean up some, then we ran back to our apartment, grabbed a couple of our roommates (Haley, and Kelsey) and ran over to the clubhouse for ward prayer. After Ward Prayer, we went back over to Steve's for a game night, mainly because he's had so much food leftover. Plus it was fun. I won, Matt says he did, but he didn't he took people's cards when they left.
The Next day was monday, and the FHE group were supposed to go to a member of the Bishopric's house, but because it was supposed to storm we just had a game/movie night. Which was good, but definitely didn't go as planned. I don't think we ever really watched a movie. I don't even remember if we played a game...OH WAIT! we did! We played battle of the sexes. It was interesting, and random. Afterwards we started a movie, but didn't watch it at all. We ended up going over to Wendy's and got food. We shoved 7 people in my car. hahaha. It was great and a bit crammed. But you know, it happens lol
And we had fun, that's all that really matters.

The next day turned out to be Ryan's birthday. (He's in my FHE and also is Jaron's Brother) Ryan hadn't said anything about it all. So hardly anyone knew.
So when I got home I started on a poster which turned out awesome!!!! We colored it, signed all our names, (Apartment 340E, and we all signed it.) Then Haley go home we went on an Adventure, to Ryan's Apartment door....we gathered up the sign, and left. The video is below. It was fun. Everyone ran away and I hid by the first floor to see who would open the door. Perfectly enough it was Ryan! haha and he saw me peek around the corner once... So I ran and everyone else did too!. haa
(Alisa, Haley, Kelsey, and Me with the awesome poster we made for Ryan, Before we attacked his door)
Then last night, I went to my first Jazz game! Jaron took me to it! It was great, and a pretty intense game! It was the Chicago Bulls Vs. Jazz. Sadly Utah Jazz lost, mainly because they couldn't make any free throws, and the ruined two chances to take the lead. the Score was 86-91. Sooo close!
(Ryan, Jaron and I at the Jazz Game, like the shirt and hat?)
(Everyone who went with us to the Jazz Game, Dillon, Sandy, Ryan, Jaron and I)
Awesome Picture, no?

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Back to Classes.

Whew. Christmas break flew by. I really didn't do anything super special. We had Christmas as a family, and went over to Grandma Ward's house. Oh We had Santa stop by the house (actually he was a really old nice gentleman we ran into at the store) We made cookies. Of course! And I worked (at McDonald's), a good amount over break. Christmas eve, we set out cookies, and spread out the reindeer food outside. We also did like a musical gift pass around the room thingy. It was Pajamas. lol of course! I loved the ones Mom got me. They are awesome! After everyone finally went to bed. Mom, Dad, and I (Luke was awake of course) wrapped up presents, filled stockings and put them under the tree.Bryan woke up around 1am. Stinker! Right after I went to bed. But I wasn't woken up until 7am or so. Thank Goodness! It was fun watching everyone open their presents. I really didn't have anything to unwrap, because they helped me out with the car, and everything else. Which was perfectly fine. For new year's eve I went over to the Jewells with my family, I left after a bit, because I was leaving the next day so I had to go see Danielle for a bit.
New Year's Day was absolutely crazy. Got up did laundry, and packed everything up. Dad changed the oil in the car. And found out I had a leak in my transmission. So he filled the fluid back up and I went over the Clarksons in the early afternoon (I think). Courtney was doing her laundry too. And we had to pack up the car with her stuff and Kadi's. We condescend as much as we could. We left around 6pm and headed up towards Omaha. We stayed the night with the Millett's. Sister Millett was one of the Young Women's leaders back in the day. ha. It was great to see her again. She got up early and had some breakfast stuff out for us. Which was super sweet! We got to see all her boys too! Then we headed out for our long journey. Sighhh. Long Journey.
It went well. Instead of heading through Wyoming this time we went down through Colorado which was Gorgeous from what i got to see! Another state...Check! Going through the mountains in Colorado wasn't too bad, expect my windshield washer fluid, so we had to stop and get some Anti-Freeze fluid. Then it was much better! We got back to Provo I want to say around 9 or 10pm. I really don't remember though. Got a good sleep and whatnot, unpacked the next day, and went to FHE. My group then went over to Brother Dyer's house and played this game where you hit someone with a spoon and they have to make an animal noise, and then you try to guess who it was. Then we all either just played around the world ping pong, or hung out and talked.
Wow... and as I try and updated this post I always procrastinate it. It's Now February.
Since going to Brother Dyer's house for my first FHE activity with my Ward. We've gotten new FHE groups, and my group without a doubt is definitely the best! I started classes, and didn't really get lost at school. I absolutely love all my classes. Math I was really worried about but it's actually going pretty well. Sign Language without a doubt is going to become my minor. I love that class, and I'm learning soo much! My ward has a sports night, usually every Thursday and I went to that my first week here, and I really enjoyed it! I've gone on a few dates, some with Kyoo, and then some with Jaron. (Jaron's in my Ward, FHE group, as well as one of my dance classes, I met him at the Sports night he's the one who usually puts it together.) Oh, in January Courtney, Ashely, and I walked over to the Marriott center for Elder Christofferson's Fireside which was really good. He mainly talked about living one day a time. Here's a wonderful excerpt from his talk.

"In the 1950s my mother survived radical cancer surgery, but difficult as that was, the surgery was followed with dozens of painful radiation treatments in what would now be considered rather primitive medical conditions. She recalls that her mother taught her something during that time that has helped her ever since: “I was so sick and weak, and I said to her one day, ‘Oh, Mother, I can’t stand having 16 more of those treatments.’ She said, ‘Can you go today?’ ‘Yes.’ ‘Well, honey, that’s all you have to do today.’ It has helped me many times when I remember to take one day or one thing at a time.”

The Spirit can guide us when to look ahead and when we should just deal with this one day, with this one moment. If we ask, the Lord will let us know through the Holy Ghost when it may be appropriate for us to apply in our lives the commandment He gave His ancient Apostles: “Take therefore no thought for the morrow, for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient is the day unto the evil thereof”

After we walked back to Wyview, (SOOOOOO COLD) and finished making cookies, and then Kyoo, and Emilio (Kyoo's roommate) went to ward prayer with me. The next day we had FHE, and my new group watched the BCS Football game, and we were all cheering for the Oregon Ducks, sadly they lost, but nevertheless it was a good game. That Saturday, I went Country Dancing with Jaron, which was waaaay fun! Too bad I can't land the candlestick to save my life. Everything was going great then I said we should try the candlestick, because we'd been talking about it before. So we tried the candlestick... well this time, I landed on my head, he usually sets the girl back on her feet, and I'm used to going back towards the middle...yeah instead of my feet, my head landed on the ground. Concussion without a doubt. It was pretty amusing though, Jaron was more worried about me that I was. It was cute. Luckily I woke up super easily the next morning, so all is well. Within the next week (On wednesday) we had a new roommate move in :) :) :) Her name is Alisa and she is super awesome and sweet! Before she moved in the Ward went to Solider's Hollow for Tubing which was awesome! (Back to Alisa) The first day she moved in we went to basketball that night, which was so much fun! Our friend Steve set the most stupid screen on my it was very illegal, just so Alisa could get free from me guarding her. It was hilarious. Just to say the least Alisa and I have become very good friends in the past couple of weeks.
The first sunday we cooked homemade alfredo, alfredo sauce from scratch. And breadsticks from Scratch too! It was sooo good! And our first official roommate dinner. Afterwards we wanted to make some cookies but really didn't feel like cooking too much, so went over to the guys apartment and accidently woke Jaron up (who happened to be the only one there) He actually came over and we made the most legit cookies ever. They were chocolate chip cookies with oreo cookies in the middle soooooo goood! We cook dinner together every so often (we make AMAZING FOOD), and a couple sundays ago we even hosted a little lunch party after church. That was soo fun! They even helped clean up. Torie came back and asked if we had anyone over, she couldn't tell! After we all cleaned up Alisa, Steve, Kelly, and Me went over to the walmart park to check it out for a possible s.pot for capture the flag. We just walked around and talked and watched the ducks, which was entertaining. Eventually Jaron showed up and we hung out before he went to work. We also have started a little roommate adventures, in the mall, to buy-low to macey's fun stuff like that. We all have gotten closer, which is sooo awesome, and wonderful!
A couple weeks ago, Good Ol' Speedy was closing in on 160,000 miles. So after we played volleyball, Alisa, Steven, Jaron and I took Speedy out for a little Joy ride. Nothing too bad nor dangerous. Just travelin' down Canyon Road, freaking everyone out. Which was a success. haha Here's the video of it: