Sunday, April 27, 2014

Happy Day

My friend Garrett got married yesterday! 
I am way excited for him. 
He was in my home stake growing up, and he has a younger brother my age too. Matt and I went to Garrett and Karen's reception! Beautiful reception! 
And they were both so happy! 
I loved just being there even though I really didn't know many people. 
Garrett is so happy! He had the biggest smile on his face the entire time! 
I love weddings. They are so sweet! 
Today I also got to go to Joan's bridal shower! So much fun! And so cute! We talked a lot and all caught up and got to know each other. Ate some yummy food, played games, and took pictures! 
Such a fun day! 

Friday, April 25, 2014

Everything has changed.

But really, everything has. 
I have a new job, Matt has a new job. 
I'm officially going back to school full time in the fall. 
I have perfect teeth. 
I am not just saying that, my teeth are so perfectly straight, they look fake. 
Okay, so I've only had them off for a couple of days, and I am still adjusting.
But I just never thought it would happen. 
Getting braces a couple months before I turned 21, was not in my plans. 
But it happened, and has been a huge game changer.
Mainly because at the age of (almost) 21. I was way insecure about my smile, and I had been for years.
I had finally come to terms about it. 
Thanks to the sweetest friend ever. Who told me he liked my smile. 
You like my smile? How is that even possible my teeth are horrid! Fangs, and crooked teeth! You couldn't even see a couple of my up front teeth!!!! 
Either way, such a sweet friend really changed my perspective on how my teeth looked. 
Like a lot. He probably doesn't even realized it. 
But after he told me that I really started to accept my teeth for what and how they were.
It gave me SOOOO much more confidence. 
So getting braces really has been a life changer. 
 I never thought my smile could look this good.
I seriously was at the point I didn't care, and gave up on my teeth.
But I guess the dreams I had in high school of me with straight teeth finally came true. 
The day I walked into Dr. Berg's office had such a huge impact on me. 
Just for the consultation, he walked in and without me saying ANYTHING he addressed everything about my teeth I hated.
Talk about a great orthodontist.
And their staff, made me feel at home, such an easy going place to be! 
They even were able to help communicate things to my mom, of what everything was going on starting up. Not to mention a few other things he offered that made braces more affordable. So if you are in the Orem/Provo area, go to him!

Alright, so I know you're probably just waiting to here about our new jobs! We both start on the same day, May 5th. 

So Matt found a full time seasonal job at Sprinkler Supply Company. He is a driver/warehouse worker. Which will be great! It's only a seasonal job, but when they let him go, they won't just drop him high and dry, they are going to make sure he has another job before letting him go. (If they do).
...and that's all I know about that. 

Then within the last week I found and got a job at Big Al's BBQ. It's a great local restaurant backed up by a big company. Which provides a lot of security. I am being hired on as a manager. Perfect! I think they have the potential to expand in the future, which would be great, and could possibly get my foot in the door for moving up within the company. And the people who work there love it. So I'm pretty excited to start it'll be a great change of pace. 

Oh, now school. I'm killing my math class. My final is on Monday. I have a B+ right now before the last unit and take home test. So hopefully I can sneak a few points in and get it to an A. 
But my GPA is still too low to qualify for fafsa. 
So we get to take out a loan. Fun. 
Luckily Matt doesn't have any loans. Which makes it a bit easier. 
But full time school here I come. Let's get this DONE!