Tuesday, May 12, 2015


Nuts right?
It's hard to believe he has grown so fast! 
We love him so very much! (Even when he is screaming) 
And let me tell you he has been a screamer.
(This video is Matt's favorite little moment of him!)
We thought having a little baby would be easy but Noooooooo....
He has been a pretty colicky baby, and we don't really know why. 
Which has made life very hard and taxing. 
We exhausted every resource, in hopes to figure out this cause. 
But with the lowest of lows come the highest of highs. 
About 4 weeks ago we found out Keegan had a lip tie. 
I took him in and the dentist confirmed it. 
It was a class 4 lip tie. (Which is the worst)
HOW? Long Story short: Lip tie=bad latch. So the Mother's body produces extra milk and has a strong let down in order to meet baby's needs. So baby gets lots of milk in a very short time=acid reflex. 
Yes. That may have been the root of the problems. 
We got it reversed, and it has seemed to help. 
That and acid reflex medicine, my oversupply re-regulating, and him growing out of it too.
Keegan has brought so much Joy into our lives!
I love watching Matt with him. He is such a wonderful Father!
I love Matt more and more everyday!
Keegan is such a silly boy!
He knows what the camera is and gets this look ^^^ every time he sees it!
You can tell his spirit is a lot older than his body. He just loves to listen, and look around and absorb everything. He already will look me in the eye, and easily gets distracted while nursing. He likes to stare at Matt and I from across the room. Even if we aren't talking. 
He can also now grab toys! 
He's starting to wear 3-6 month clothes!
One of my favorite things about him is the back of his head. 
By the way, he hasn't lost his hair. (yet)
Who do you think Keegan looks like???????????

My favorite memory of Keegan so far is this one morning I woke up. He was laying next to my on my shoulder/arm, and I opened my eyes to see him staring right back at me. 

Hmmm... so I don't know what else to post.
Let me know if there are any questions you would like answered!

Bronze is for Bronze Boobies! 
Nursing 3 months!